Friday 4 March 2022

Spring in a Time of War


The garden is showing signs of Spring, and the days are lengthening. But there is news of war to counteract the spring feelings.

Pulmonaria and daffodils seemed to be the most appropriate flowers for the heading, but the hellebores are doing well, both the white...

...and the red, 

while the violets are putting on a brave show 

- and the tulips are all that are left of the last delivery from Bloom & Wild. 

Let us hope that the world situation doesn't get worse as the weather gets better.


  1. Oh if only we could believe that the situation won't get worse Ruth. Sadly, I think it will.

    How lovely to see the pulmonaria and the violets.....

    1. I fear you are right. The news has got worse in the few days since I posted.

  2. What a lovely harbinger of Spring, Ruth, which I only found by chance when I clicked on a comment you made about ways of removing glue residue left by labels! Like Cestina and yourself, I fear the situation will still get worse. The fact that our Canadian Prime Minister, who is not noted for taking a lead role in world affairs, is currently meeting with his UK and Dutch counterparts is quite significant, but it's also significant that many Ukrainians and their descendants have made their home here, so have a special interest in the current conflict.
