Sunday, 29 June 2014

The Rout[er] of the Problem

I know, I know, I should have updated this long ago! But it isn’t all my fault – although some of it is … our router was playing up – or so we thought, and I went into our local computer specialist – who has just moved from a top floor above the local St John’s Ambulance to an ancient outhouse behind an old pub. The gist of what I said to them was, “You sold us a router x years ago, and I’m not sure it’s doing what it should, can you sort it out?” and the gist of what they said – very fairly I thought – was “See if your ISP will check it/change your deal, as that often includes a new router.”

So I looked on line at the offers our ISP were making now, and discovered that I could get more speed and fewer usage restrictions for less money, so I contacted them and organised the switch. And sat back to wait for a new router. Which didn’t come. And still didn’t come until, after several phone calls, just before we went to Switzerland.

So it wasn’t until after we’d got back that we could assess the new router. And the old one was better! The new one didn’t have the oomph to reach TMOH’s computer downstairs, whereas the old one did, and we still had, and continue to have, problems with the line dropping out. But it’s better than it was, so although it isn’t yet a perfect system, I have no excuse for not posting on the blog.

I’m not going to put everything that I’ve been doing up now, but as both bits of the family for whom I have knitted toys have safely produced their baby boys (about 7 weeks apart) I will just show the twin striped cats I made for them.

The rest of what I’ve been up to must wait for another day …